Watch Articles

Easy Festive Wrapping Ideas | Wreath

Easy Festive Wrapping Ideas | Wreath

Wreath Wrapping IdeaAll you need is:🎁 A piece of greenery - a clipping from a fir tree would work well. We used Cypress.🎁 Twine/string🎁 Ribbon🎁 Bell 🎁 Gift Tag Take a small piece of greenery, shape into a circle with both ends slightly overlapping, secure with a ribbon. Tie the ribbon into a bow ...
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Create Gardening Tools from Loo Roll Tubes

Create Gardening Tools from Loo Roll Tubes

All you’ll need for this craft is loo roll tubes, cardboard, some tape and some scissors. To make your spade, cut a semi circle out of one of your loo roll tubes on one side, then repeat on the other.  For your handle, cut another loo roll tube open, roll it into a tighter tube and tape to secure...
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Pine Cone Bird Feeders

Pine Cone Bird Feeders

This is the perfect activity for your Tiny Explorers to get them outside, create something fun and engaging and make something delicious for the beautiful birds in your garden. 🕊️
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Hedgehog Biscuits ~ Recipe Below Video

Hedgehog Biscuits ~ Recipe Below Video

These are absolutely adorable and really simple to make. We had so much fun making them with my girls. Keep the recipe in your piggy bank of ideas for when the little ones are bored!🦔 We have tried two different types of dough for this recipe (vanilla biscuit dough and shortbread) and I think ...
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Peppermint Creams ~ recipe below video

Peppermint Creams ~ recipe below video

This super simple recipe from The Pooh Cookbook has been a family favourite for over 40 years and makes the perfect gift for family and friends; economical, wonderful fun to make and looks extra special wrapped in hand painted tissue paper and tied up with a big red bow. Ingredients:  1 Egg whit...
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The Explorer’s Toolkit See more exploring products
Bird House, Le Jardin du Moulin Roty Bird House, Le Jardin du Moulin Roty
Compass, Le Jardin De Moulin Roty Compass, Le Jardin De Moulin Roty
Endangered Animals
Flower Press, Le Jardin du Moulin Roty Flower Press, Le Jardin du Moulin Roty
GOOD EARTH | Gardening Kit, by Herboo GOOD EARTH | Gardening Kit, by Herboo

Protecting the Planet for the Next Generation

We love support the learning and education or young people in out Nature Directory, which looks in closer detail at the many diversities of nature, from mini beasts, to soaring forests, to the important role that nature plays in child development and mental health. But it goes further than that, and we’re committed with everything we do to make sure we’re making every effort to make sure the planet is happy and healthy for the next generation.

Our Sustainability Promise
