"If I was to meet my eight-year-old-self I would say, 'don't listen to what they say about you, wear your anorak with pride'..."


Now, there are anorak's and anorak's. Ultimately ALL anorak's have a special place in this world, but there is one anorak that stands all mighty; a bounty of colour of joy, spreading happiness to ever corner it reaches and every hand that touches it. 



We are extremely proud to have joined forces for a giveaway with Anorak Magazine, the self-proclaimed 'Happy Mag for Kids'. 

So this is what they do, in a beautiful nutshell of (Eco friendly) curiosity and colour: 

“Studio Anorak is proud to produce printed magazines that last and on REAL (recycled) paper with REAL (vegetable) ink. It makes them smell nice and it is at the heart of our commitment to provide kids with a calm, immersive, fun piece of culture.

Unlike magazines of today, neither of our publications are throw away titles. Just like much loved children’s magazines and annuals of the past they are designed to be collected, kept, handed down and revisited.

Studio Anorak's main philosophy is to encourage children to tap into their imagination, use their creativity to learn and is here to amplify their voices. It has at the core of its offering a passion for words and images that challenge and stimulate. And silly jokes too.”

Being of the generation of Children’s Annuals and knowing how cherished these were (and still are, several decades on, with the dust lightly brushed off), Anorak Magazine bringing this concept back amplified, with colours bursting like a Caribbean fruit salad, resonates so happily with my inner little (and present day) girl. 

Their blog introduces so many wonderful things to colour and create (as well as to read, laugh and stimulate little minds) and here are just a few of our favourites:

Colouring Is Fun! which can be done alongside the Töastie Friends of the Ocean for an afternoon of fun fact learning on our Ocean Friends', and colouring inside - and outside - the lines.

Do whatever your inner Picasso is channelling at the time.

Make your Own Owl out of toiler roll inners is genius (and as luck would have it the absolutely bonkers rush for loo roll is now, we hope, a far distant Lord of the Flies esque memory). 

However, the cherry on the top of this magnificent cake, for me, is the Sloth Comic Book which is part of their Little Editor's Scheme. Here's a snapshot: 


Also, who knew 👆

Their Little Editor's Scheme gives your little one the opportunity to review books, submit drawings and have their brilliant musings published for all of time in their Happy Mag for Kids! 

If your kids are anything like I was, or mine is looking likely to be, this is THE place for them. 

Peter Capaldi was right, wear your anorak with pride. 

Happy happy vibes 🤘







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