Friluftsliv ~ ‘Free Air Life’

A life lived in the open air—what a beautiful thought.

This Norwegian concept speaks to everything we stand for and truly resonates with us as a brand. It is the simple yet profound act of being outside, no matter the weather.

At its heart, Friluftsliv is about forging a deep, daily connection with nature—whether the rain is lashing, snow is falling, or the cold bites at your skin. And we feel this in our bones.

This love for the wild and untamed inspired Forest School, a place where children don’t just learn about nature—they live it. They build fires, use tools, navigate landscapes, cook over open flames, grow their own food, and create dens where imagination runs free. They learn resilience, courage, and a sense of wonder that no screen can ever replace.

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week, and we stand firm in our belief that nature is a lifeline—a force for good in shaping strong, happy, and healthy young minds. In a world where technology often pulls us away from the real and the raw, it has never been more important to let our children roam, breathe, and be.

This year’s theme, Know Yourself, Grow Yourself,’ couldn’t be more fitting. Growth happens in the moments of adventure—the scraped knees from climbing too high, the thrill of riding a bike with the wind rushing past, the quiet triumph of discovering something new in the dirt. A 2022 study by the University of Exeter found that children who engage in adventurous play experience fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression. They grow stronger, inside and out. They become more resilient.

Organisations like WWF are calling for every school to give children the chance to experience nature regularly—not as a privilege, but as a right. The Schools for Nature report makes it clear: nature isn’t just beneficial—it’s essential. It lifts children, fuels their curiosity, improves learning, and even supports the well-being of teachers.

Let’s ensure that every child has the chance to climb trees, get muddy, feel the sun on their face, and let their spirits run wild. Let’s make sure nature isn’t just a distant memory of childhood—it’s the heartbeat of it.

Because every child deserves to feel free.