"In order to see birds it is necessary to become a part of the silence."


The beauty of the moment we find ourselves in currently is the opportunity to stop and listen.

These are challenging times we are living through. We are cooped up in spaces together, in degrees of close confinement many of us find quite uncomfortable.  

However, I truly believe we must turn this negative into a positive. This is our chance to reconnect with the each other and with nature. Once we are released from our relative captivity, let’s make a newfound appreciation of the great outdoors a legacy of this dark time.

And what better way to start connecting to the natural world around us than sitting quietly and just listening

If you have a garden or a park nearby, find a quiet spot under a tree and listen to the birds. Start to think about the different types of cheeps you can hear. You will start to pick up on little conversations happening bird to bird. 

“Hey Mama! Bring home the worms, I’m hungry!”

That kind of thing. I always love wondering wondering what they're chatting about! 

You don't even need a garden for this, you can sit by an open window and now is the moment to focus in, with so few cars cruising the streets.  

One truly inspirational instagram worth a follow is @bri.tish______

Tish was inspired by the wonderful illustrator and ornithologist @MattSewell who created a different song bird for each week of the year. She challenged herself to pick a different bird each week and create it out of any medium; drawing, painting, sculpture, embroidery, knitting, crochet, print, photography, graphics. 


The below uses watercolour pencil crayons, shown post and pre painting it with water and blending. 

Considering garden birds as the object and creating them out of the different mediums you have to hand is such a great idea for you to try at home with your kids. It's a lovely way to be ticking off the weeks as we move through the year in our states of self-isolation and gets them thinking of cool, fun new ways to bring the birds to life through art. 


On a walk to the pond in their local village Tish's gorgeous daughter spotted a little Robin nestled in the hedgerow all fluffed up. Here are the beautiful end results from her first creative challenge. Little CHAP! 

Tish has always been intrigued by the naivety of the back of embroidery and this is such a beautiful example. The little beak that shows so clearly on the back of the embroidery is just too much! 


Beach combing for shells and rocks on a chilly, sun-kissed afternoon.  

And I have to say, this is my current favourite. Bird candlestick! 


And don't forget that birds are hungry little beggars and they love nothing more than a good old juicy fat ball! It is also a great way to draw more birds into your garden. Here's a little recipe for your hungry birds: 

Mix one part suet or lard with 2 parts bird seed and gently heat in a saucepan so the softened lard mixes with the seed. It's a really good messy job for the kids!

Allow the mix to cool and then mould into balls or fill into yoghurt pots, coconut shells or netting. 

Once the fat balls are solid, transfer to your bird feeder, or bird table, or hang from a tree. 

Stay safe our Tiny Explorers and use this time to think about how you can enjoy nature on your #dailywalk or by bringing it into your home through your colouring pencils and paints. 















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